tagForms Web Portal
The tagForms Web Portal is where you create and manage Forms and collected data. The major functions of the Web Portal are described in the sections below.
Main Menu
Menu Items
Change Password
Click on your username at the top right and then choose Change Password. Password must have at least 8 characters, at least one upper case character, at least one lower case character and at least one number.
Log Off
Click on your username at the top right and then choose Log off. It is good practice to log off whenever you have finished using the Web Portal.
Draft Forms
A form is in draft mode while it is being designed and before it is published as a Live form for use on mobile devices. The Draft Forms view shows a list of forms which are currently in draft mode. From this view you can choose to create a New Draft Form or you can edit an existing form by clicking on its name in the list.
New Draft Form
Click the button to create a New Draft Form and then enter a Form Name and a brief Description. For example:
Form Name:
Engineer Job Report
Form Description:
A form to capture general information about an engineer site visit and to collect a customer signature.
Edit Draft Form
This view is the main form design view. It is used to define the Fields and layout of your new form.
Header Block
At the top of the page is the header block displaying the form Name and Description. Click the edit button if you wish to change these details.
Form Body
Underneath the Header Block is the Form Body which is where all the Fields are defined.
Live Version
If there is a Live Version of your form, you will see an additional block above the Header Block. You may view the live version by clicking 'View'.
Containers allow associated Fields to be grouped together. They also provide some more advanced features such as conditional activation and repetition.
There are two types of container: a Section and a Repeatable Section.
The Container Header Bar
Add Rule |
Edit |
Delete |
Up/Down |
Conditional Containers
All Containers can be enabled or disabled depending on how an earlier field is answered. You can set this up by adding a rule to the Container.
To add a rule click the Add Rule button on the Container Header Bar. In the popup you need to select the Field, and then the answer to that Field which will cause the Container to be activated.
For example: You can specify a rule which will cause a Container to become active if the user checks the box in an earlier Checkbox Field.
Only Checkbox and Yes/No field types can be used to define Container rules.
Any rules which you define will appear listed directly under the Container Header Bar. Use the X icon if you wish to delete the rule.
Once a Container has a rule defined, it will be inactive/disabled for the device user until the specified condition is met.
Saving a Form
There is no need to save the form because it is automatically saved for you after each action such as Add Field, Edit Field, Remove Field etc.
Trying a Form
If you have permission to be a Draft Form Tester, you may use your Android device to test a Draft Form at any time without the need to publish it.
From your device, use the Sync button located on the App Bar at the top to download any available Draft Forms. Draft Forms appear in the Available Forms List with an orange icon.
Draft Forms may be completed and submitted back to the Web Portal. Submitted data can be viewed from Completed Drafts in the Completed Forms menu.
Deleting a Form
If you want to delete the draft form, click Delete Form at the top of the page. Once confirmed, this action can not be undone.
Publishing a Form
When you are ready to use your form to collect data on real devices you will need to publish it. Click the Publish Form button at the top of the page. In the popup you have the option of changing the name of the form before you click the Publish button. The name of the form must not already exist as a current live form.
If the publish operation is successful you will be redirected to the View Live Form page for your new form.
You will need to Activate the form and set Form Visibility before it can be used on mobile devices. See View Live Data Form for more detail.
Field Types
All forms will contain a number of different items. You can add an item by clicking the + Insert Item button at the bottom of the form or container.
When you click + Insert Item you will be prompted to choose the item type you wish to insert into the form. Once you have chosen your item type, you may then edit it before it is inserted into the form.
All the different item types and their various settings are described below:
Item Controls
Item Options |
Edit |
Delete |
Up/Down |
A simple field type presenting a single checkbox to the form user.
Field Text
This is the actual question. For example: “Is any further action required at this location?”
Required Field
Click this if the Checkbox must be checked by the user before the form can be completed.
Data Id
A Data Id is required for all fields. They are automatically generated but may be changed.
Data Ids must be unique.
Enter a label here if you wish to include a label for the field (eg: Question 1a).
Score if Checked
Enter a number which will be the Field’s score if the Checkbox is checked by the form user.
Scoring is described in detail below.
Use this field type to capture a date.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1)
Score if Checked
Enter a number which will be the Question's score if a Date is provided. Scoring is described in detail below.
Click this if the Date must be provided by the user before the form can be completed.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: "Please enter the date of the Site Visit?"
Multi Choice
Use this field type to allow the user to select one or more responses from a list of possible answers.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1).
Click this if at least one response must be selected by the user before the form can be completed.
Allow Multiple Answers
Check this box to allow the user to select any number of the possible answers. If this box is not
checked then the user can only select a single answer.
Answer in Popup
Check this box if you have a large number of responses in the list. They will be presented to the
user in a popup rather than inline within the form.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: “Please select all affected areas from the list below”.
Item List
A MultiChoice question will have a list of one or more possible responses. Use the Add Item button
to add a new response to the list. Edit the item list as follows:
Edit |
Save |
Delete |
Item Label
This is the text of the response presented to the user.
Score if Checked
This is the score for this item if it is checked. The score for the question is the sum of
all of its checked item scores. Scoring is described in detail below.
Use this field type to ask a question with a numeric response.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1)
Score Multiplier
The Score for the Number question type is the Response mulltiplied by the Score Multiplier.
For example: If the user answers 3 and the multiplier is 1 then the score is 3. If the user
answers 2.5 and the multiplier is 3 then the score is 7.5. Scoring is described in detail below.
Unit of Measure
Specify units for the question response, eg: "m", "kg", "£" etc.
Position of Unit of Measure
Place the units before or after the response, eg: "6m" or "£6".
Click this if the question must be answered by the user before the form can be completed.
Minimum Value
Specify a minimum value for the question response.
Maximum Value
Specify a maximum value for the question response.
Decimal Places
Use this to specify a number of decimal places for the response, between 0 and 5.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: "How far is the unit located from the roadside?"
Use this field type to ask the user to provide a photo response.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1).
Score if Taken
Enter a number which will be the Question’s score if a photo is taken. Scoring is described in detail below.
Click this if a photo must be taken by the user before the form can be completed.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: “Please take a photo of the affected area”.
Use this field type to collect a simple rating based on a number of stars.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1).
Score Multiplier
The Score for the Rating question type is the number of Stars multiplied by the Score Multiplier.
For example: If the user selects 4 stars and the multiplier is 1 then the score is 4. If the user
selects 2 stars and the multiplier is 3 then the score is 6. Scoring is described in detail below.
Number of Stars
Specify how many stars are in the question. This is typically 5 stars, but can be between 3 and 10.
Click this if a Rating must be provided by the user before the form can be completed.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: “How would you rate the quality of our service?”.
Use this field type to capture a signature in response to a question.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1).
Score if Signed
Enter a number which will be the Question’s score if a signature is provided. Scoring is
described in detail below.
Click this if a signature must be captured by the user before the form can be completed.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: “Please sign to confirm that the work described has been completed”.
Use this field type to capture a text response.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1).
Score if Answered
Enter a number which will be the Question’s score if a response is provided. Scoring is described in detail below.
Click this if the question must be answered by the user before the form can be completed.
Max Characters
Specify the maximum allowed number of characters in the response. Between 1 and 2500.
Uppercase Only
Check this box to require that the response be uppercase characters.
Allow Multiple Lines
Check this box if the response is allowed to be more than a single line of text. This option will also
change the input mechanism making it much more suitable for longer answers.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: “Please provide details of the work completed on this visit”.
Yes No
Use this to ask a question where the expected response is either Yes or No.
Custom Label
Enter a label here (eg: Question 7A) if you wish to replace the default label (e.g. Q1.1).
Score if Yes
Enter a number which will be the Question’s score if Yes response is selected by the user.
Scoring is described in detail below.
Click this if the question must be answered by the user before the form can be completed.
Question Text
This is the actual question. For example: “Are you satisfied with the work carried out today?”.
Yes Label
The text of the Yes response can be changed to something other than “Yes”, eg: “On”, “True”, “Agree” etc.
No Label
The text of the No response can be changed to something other than “No”, eg: “Off”, “False”, “Disagree” etc.
Question Scoring is used as a very simple way of identifying Completed Forms which require further action or attention once submitted.
When a Question is answered it will have a Score which depends on how the Question was configured. For example: A Yes/No Question may have a Score of 10 if it is answered as “Yes”.
When a Form is completed and submitted it will be given a Total Score, which is the sum of all the individual Question Scores. It is this Total Score which is used to identify forms for reporting and further action purposes.
Live Forms
A form is Live once it has been published from the draft stage. The Live Forms view shows a list of forms which are currently Live. From this view you can choose to view and manage a form by clicking on its name in the list.
View Live Form
The View Live Form view shows all the sections and questions in your form along with all the various settings. From this view you can try out and manage the form as described below:
Note: It is not possible to modify questions or sections in a Live form.
Activate / Deactivate
Use this button to activate and deactivate a form. Only active forms can be accessed from devices.
If this button is visible then you can delete the form completely. It is only possible to do this if no
users have completed and submitted forms of this type.
Form Visibility
Forms can only be accessed by device users if they have been granted access through Form Visibility settings.
Click the Set button to switch visibility on/off for an individual device user.
Copy As Draft
It is not possible to amend the actual form body (questions, sections etc.) once a form has been published
and is Live. However, you can make a copy of a Live form to become a new
Draft form. You can then edit this new Draft form and publish that when you have made your
View Actions
Use this button to view a list of Form Actions defined for the form. Form Actions are described in detail below.
Form Actions
Form Actions define processes which happen when completed forms are submitted by device users. They include placing forms in a review list or sending an email notification.
The Form Actions page shows a list of Actions which have been defined for this form type.
Edit Action
Click on the name of an Action if you wish to view or make changes to the Action definition.
Click this link if you wish to activate/deactivate an Action. Only active actions will be applied
when forms are submitted.
Click this link if you wish to delete the Action from the list.
Create New Action
Click the Create New Action button to define a new Action for the selected Live form.
Action Name
Give the new Action a name so that it can be identified later. For example "Review High Priority Action".
Action Triggers
Triggers are things that cause the Action to be carried out. There are three possibilities for triggering an Action:
All Forms
If the Apply Action to ALL FORMS box is checked then the Action will be carried out for every form of this type
when submitted by device users.
Score Trigger
It is possible to restrict which forms the Action will be applied to depending on the Score of the form. Use the
Score and Value input fields to define the condition. For example: "Equals 3" or "Greater Than 10".
Question Triggers
You can set up trigger conditions which depend on the responses to specific questions. Click Add Trigger
and select the relevant question from the popup list. A question trigger panel will now be added to the Create Action
page for you to define the actual condition. The options available to you will depend on the type of the selected question.
For example: You can define a trigger so that the Action will be applied to all forms where the answer to a Date question is "On or before" a specified date.
More than one Question Trigger can be defined for an Action. If any one of these trigger conditions is met the Action will be applied to the form.
Notifications are the actual steps which are carried out once a trigger condition is met. There are currently two possibilities and any one (or both) can be selected.
If this box is checked then the form is added to the In Review list. This is convenient place to put a form which needs someone
to take a look at it. See In Review List for more details.
Send Email
You can choose to send an email notification to one or more recipients by checking the Send Email box.
Complete the email entry fields: Recipients, Subject and Message. More than one recipient can be specified by using a comma separated list of email addresses.
Save the Actions
When you finished setting up your new Action, click Save. You will be returned to the Form Actions page where you will see your new Action in the list.
Completed Forms
The Completed Forms view provides options for viewing forms which have been completed and submitted by device users.
Recent Forms List
The Recent Forms List is a simple list of all completed forms ordered from newest first. You can use the Form Name drop-down to restrict the list to forms of a particular type. Click on any row in the grid to see the form detail in View Completed Form.
In Review
The In Review List page is a list of forms which have been placed "In Review" by a Form Action. Click on a form name to see the form detail in View Completed Form. To remove a form from the In Review list select the row by checking the box and then click Remove From In Review.
Completed Forms Query
The Completed Forms Query view allows you to perform a search of completed forms. Start by specifying a Form Name and a Date Range.
Next, specify a score condition such as “Less Than 25”. The default condition is Any Score.
You can also add one or more optional Question Response Queries. Click Add Query and choose the relevant question from the popup. A panel will now be added to the query page for you complete with a condition. You can add more than one query condition but forms must match ALL defined conditions to be included in the results. Click the remove link to delete a condition.
Once you have defined your search terms you can run the search and view the results in one of three ways:
View Results in Grid
Select this option to view a simple listing of all matching forms. In the results grid click on a row to see
more detail in View Completed Form.
Export XML Report
Select this option to download an XML file containing data for all matching forms.
Run Report
Select this option to run the selected Web Report. A Web Report shows a list of Questions and Responses for
the selected form in a collated format.
View Completed Form
The View Completed Form page shows the Questions and Responses for the selected form, along with some details such as: Question Scores, Total Score and Submitted Date.
It is possible to download an XML file containing the form data by clicking the Export XML button.